Let your content be the source of revenue. Automatically

Launch to be the future
Look into the future
If you are still not using ads based on users' preference, it's high time to switch to smart content marking which will turn it into the source of monetization with the help of our intelligent algorithms based on machine learning
Data is the new gold
No matter what source of content you have, either a blog, a media-resource, a social network or a messenger channel, we guarantee its high quality monetization
The revolution is here
Turning quality content into a relevant commercial state is the future of the ad world where your users do not have any offers of what they have already bought
Focus on the essentials
Create quality content and draw engaged traffic. We will provide its monetization with high level conversion while your users stay calm having no irrelevant and intrusive ads
Focus on the essentials
XDS Technologies
XDS Technologies automatically affiliates your content for its successful monetization. Every day we process millions of inquiries from our clients, which ultimately generated purchases. We have developed expertise and tools to get configured at a great number of commercial strategies and to work with all traffic channels (web, mobile, social, mail, messengers)
When data come alive
Images, texts and even videos are themselves the sources of income, but applying AI-based smart algorithms will unlock their potential
When data come alive
What you will get
Our smart tools mark content with relevant and affiliated links to goods and service which gives you
What you will get
Clean pages
Get rid of odd blocks cluttering up your content
High CTR
Enhance general conversion up to 10 times
Loyal audience
increase site reach and raises its comeback
What you will get
Analytical system
Track your progress and get what will be optimized
In the analytical system you will be able to find a big range of reports that let you get a profound understanding of content capacity. Recognizing what users enjoy along with other insights, media managers use more accurate system configuring and also redistribute traffic so that it increases gain
Analytical system
Let's discuss